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Super Junior Kry Fly Download For Mac

Nope they haven't sung sapphire blue yet i think the crowd was saying lee donghae but the host misheard it as lee hyukjae and after i think it was kyu solo with ryeo on the piano I was thinking about that too coz' i don't think hyuk will be the one who sings my everything.lol anyway, right now.i really don't know what song they're singing coz the connection is very bad. Seems like it's a fast song now.but i still can't figure out what song it is.-'.I think they just start singing rokkuko.

Various Artists - 2010 Chap to Sweet Lover individual download links rar file - 160.3mb 고마워요 (Feat. 구인회 Of MAC) / Dramatics 천국 (Feat.MC Mong) / Big Mama 사랑이야 / 차여울 고백 -Jang Na Ra 커플 - Seo Yeon 널 사랑해 - Jang Yoon Jeong Abracadabra - STi 인연 - Nell Will Be Mine - Lee Soo Young 데이트.

Well it's suju-T performing all of thier 3 songs. V v SweetRevolution Thank you so much for the details.so it's actually geng hae hyuk and shindong for sexy back. OMG.i so wanna see hyuk's dancing sexy back. So I just wanted to drop by and post a slight review 'cause I was at the friday concert. It was seriously an amazing concert! I don't understand any Korean at all, so I can only report on what I saw, but hopefully that's alright. The guys are so amazing in person!

Me and my friend were spazzing out when Hangeng passed right by us! He's so handsome.swoons. Kibum is also soooooo amazing! He was smiling as he walked passed us and I was spazzing because his smile is amazing XD. In the end, Sungmin and Eeteuk passed us and a bunch of fans tried to run down the stairs and some people had to restrain them @@. Amazing points because I'm still spazzing: 1.

Hankyung, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong dancing to 'Sexy Back' 2. Donghae solo to his dad 'My Everything'(?) (or a title something like that.fails.) It was in English! His English is really cute;; ♥ 3. Kibum 3 feet away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D 4. Kibum's tiny ponytail of cuteness 5. K.R.Y riding ponies and shooting water guns into the crowd 6. Heechul dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow complete with booze-type glass or something!!!

Heechul ROCK solo!!! He was wearing a fur thing on his coat! Simply amazing!

I thought he was singing in Japanese and now I confirmed it from other reports. He was awesome! I swear I love Heechul even more after seeing him in person ^^. Video of Kibum in the shower.dies. 9.

Hankyung is sooooooo handsome in person OMG! Umm.looking at Kibum @@ 11. Super Junior crying during Marry U, it was so cute!! Miracle, the only song I can sing along to 'cause of my failure at Korean, was one of the encore songs!!! Eeteuk and his angel wings at the end!

He is so cute! His smile is so amazing, really! When he passed us, seeing him in person was way better than pictures. Donghae not having a shirt on underneath his jacket and unbuttoning said jacket and flashing his sexy chest at the audience @@. Everyone in general @@. I really wish I could find the girl that hooked me and my friend up with the tickets so I could bow down on my knees and thank her for getting us wonderful seats and just in general for doing something so amazing for someone she didn't even know ♥ ♥ ♥ The guys hair was AMAZING! Kibum and Shiwon ponytails!

Eeteuk mullet. Heechul dyed his hair! It was like orangish yellowish? Or maybe more orangish red.Anyway it was amazing! My friend told me that he said something about dying it that color before, but that it looks different now because his face changed since then!

I went back today (Sat.) to get the Super package, they sold out of it last night! But the t shirts were still sold out!

All the little fangirls were sooooo adorable! I went up to buy something from a group of them and they were like 'You are so gorgeous' LOL. Adorableness I'm not gonna touch Don't Don 'cause I'm terrified of the drama, but all the songs were amazing!

OMG, Kibum Dracula, Heechul Jack Sparrow, Ryeowook Harry Potter! Shindong was a cave man? No Tarzan, probably? Something of the sort. Hahaha, I think Heechul had a sword LOL.

I was looking everywhere during that one, so it was hard. Umm, Sexy Back was the best thing ever! I'm thinking it was maybe the best moment of my life LOL. I swear when Hangeng came out and Sexy Back started playing, I was like 'Uh, uh, that can't be!!!! It would be too amazing!!!'

, but it was!!!!! I can't believe it! I still can't believe I was there!

My favorite song @@. OMG 'You're my Endless Love'. The fans were singing so loud, it was an amazing experience! I wish I could have sang along too, but yeah fail at Korean.

The guys were crying;; ♥. My friend didn't even like Super Junior before she went, but she says she is officially a fan now lol. She loved the concert and said that it was way better than she ever imagined! The Western video of K.R.Y was AMAZING.

Yesung in a poncho with fake beard and mustache ♥ ♥ ♥!!! I loved all the solos and all the lives and all the emotion that everyone put into everything!

I LOVE THEM!:D It was worth missing a test and paying all the money to fly over for the concert, way worth it!!!:D.goes off to spaz in a corner. Sorry it's crazy and spazzy, but I still can't believe I was actually there!

La'MISS:Fairy: Were you holding an 'Italy' sign? If you were, I saw you!

Super Junior - Hate U, Love U i heard Donghaeee omg, this song. I can hear it.!! Opps,i topped a page???!

I will share. I think its some talking noww? Super Junior - Marry U its the ELF singing. I hope they dun cry.

I will cry too. ELF were shouting. '13 members' 'Saranghae' now. Its our boys singing. Now, its some clips that they film.

Like the one they showed ytd. They're playing. MissGwyneth01, funnyu PLEASE DO NOT SPAM. NO ONE LINNER PLEASE!

Super Junior - YMCA Super Junior - Wonder Boys. Ok so the songs performed (I'm not sure about all though, and questionmarks are songs I couldn't hear or just the sound of fans screaming) I'll update the list while the concert is playing ^^ Miracle?? Twins Rock this house?? Man in love / galjeung?? (screaming fans) Mirror -introductions- She's gone???? Dancing Out (?) The night chicago died (Suju KRY) My everything (Donghae solo?, originally 98 degrees)?????

(Kyuhyun solo?)??? Rokkugo (Suju T) Chutcha (Suju T) Nothing Like me (Suju T) H.I.T??

Love U, Hate U Marry U YMCA Wonder boy Sexy back (Hankyung, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong?, originally Justin Timberlake) First Snow -Talking- The Girl is Mine U -cartoon- Haengbok / Happiness Way for Love / Way of Love -talking, saying thank you / goodbye- Believe -talking, saying thank you / goodbye- Miracle END (? The radio died so I couldn't hear any more) AND PLEASE EVERYONE, don't post messages with like only 3 sentences or less! We don't want the thread to close right?

Semua album super junior. 1. Album Pertama Super Junior: (Sorry, nggak gue tulis keterangannya. Cuma gue kasih link lyricnya) 1.

Twins Knock Out 3. You’re the one 4. Rock This House 5. Chagunchagun (Way for Love) 6. Keep In Touch 9.

Believe Album kedua Super Junior – Don’t Don: 1. Don’t Don Di lagu ini, muncul Henry sebagai pemain biola. Tampang-tampang member super junior sangar banget di MV nya.

Sapphire Blue Musik yang ceria. Sapphire Blue, warna khas super junior dan ELF. You’re My Endless Love (말하자면) Menurutku musiknya kayak ada orkestra-nya gitu. Marry U Ada yang nanya, gue suka lagu Marry U apa enggak. Ehmm, waktu pertama kali denger, tanggapan gue biasa aja.

Tapi semakin sering lagu ini didengerin baru terasa keren. Apalagi kalau udah tahu arti lagu Marry U yang so sweet banget. A Man in Love 6. Disco Drive 7. Hate U Love U Sumpah, ini lagu dari super junior yang paling-paling enak didenger dan nggak ngebosenin. Selain itu, arti dari lagunya juga bagus. Yesung sampai pernah nangis waktu nyanyi lagu ini di ss3.

She’s Gone. 10. The Girl is Mine 11.

Mirror Musiknya Jazz. KRY mendominasi. Yesung, teriakannya mantap. Missin’ U 14. Midnight Fantasy Musiknya kayak backsound game. Thank You 16.

A Man In Love (Remix Vers.) 17. Song For You (Bonus Track) Suka pas bagian “Saranghaeyoo” Album Ketiga Super Junior – Sorry-Sorry: 1. SORRY, SORRY Lagu yang bikin kita pengen ikut ngedance. Musiknya pas dengan nada nyanyiannya. Dengerin lagu ini sambil lihat MV nya. Why I like you 3.

Let’ Not (Suju KRY) 4. RESET Press the reset. Press Press the reset. Hahahai, termasuk lagu yang enak didengerin apalagi kalau udah malam.

WHAT IF (Suju KRY ft Sungmin) Gyaaaa’!! Lagu yang super duper keren. Entah kenapa lagu ini langsung bikin saya mau dengarin terus. Dan nggak ngebosenin. Mellow dan sesuai dengan genre Suju K.R.Y. Walaupun sebenarnya lagu ini remake dari versi aslinya berjudul sama yang dinyanyiin sama penyanyi asal Philipina.

Heartquake 9. CLUB No.1 10.

HAPPY TOGETHER 11. Dead at heart 12. SHINING STAR 13.

She Want it 14. Love Disease 15. Love U More 16.

It’s You. Lagu ini ada MV nya. Semua member lengkap.

Album keempat Super Junior - BONAMANA: 1. Bonamana “Bounce to you bounce ” Album Super junior yang paling saya suka. Musiknya itu kedengaran nge hip hop, dan ada unsur timur tengahnya. Sampai temen ku kira ini lagu india.

Coagulation (Suju KRY) Dengerin lagu ini buat nemenin tidur. Your Eyes (Yesung ft. Kyuhyun) Emm, dua member yang punya suara bagus nyanyi bareng. Kebayang kerennya gimana. My Only Girl 6.

My All Is In You “I Can’t live without you. My All is In You” Lagu yang emang kurang ngeh diawal-awal start lagu. Tapi semakin kebelakang lagu ini terdengar makin keren. Apalagi kalau udah sampai part Yesung yang ngambil nada tinggi. Wuihhh langsung meleleh. Dan tentu saja suara Suju K.R.Y mendominasi. Shake it Up 8.

In My Dream (Suju KRY ft Sungmin +Donghae) Ballad yang keren. Apalagi ada Sungmin dan Donghae. One Fine Spring Day (Ryeowook) Lagu yang slow dan dalem.

Piano nya terasa. Good Person 11. Here We Go 12. No Other “There’s No one like You” Wuaaa. Lagu yang so sweet banget.

Musiknya enak. MV nya juga keren. All My Heart / All My Dream. Enak musiknya. Rapp Eunhyuk keren. Yang menciptakan lagu ini adalah Henry dan Eunhyuk.

A Short Journey (persembahan dari Kangin sebelum pergi wamil) “Oh Baby say Good bye ” Di dominasi oleh suara Kangin yang lembut. Dan rap eunhyuk di awal dan akhir lagu.

Album kelima Super Junior (Mr. Simple bermakna hilangnya harapan dan impian. Because you naughty naughty. Udah pada dengar Mr. Simple dong?? Lagu yang bagus, asyik, rame, dan unik ini merupakan single album ke 5 super junior. Sekilas, musiknya mirip lucifer sama RRD nya SHINee, ada juga perpaduan super girl, perfection, bonamana, sorry-sorry, waduh!

Pokoknya nano-nano banget. Kalau sering di dengerin, pasti lagu ini jadi terdengar keren dan unik.

Opera Diperuntukkan kepada seluruh lapisan sosial dan mempunyai makna yang bisa mengatasi semua rintangan dan kesulitan. Punya musik yang nyentak. Be My Girl La La La La La Musiknya seperti lagi main game. Walkin’ “I’m walking to the day Ee Ee Ee”. Pop dance yang menceritakan tentang berbagai cerita member. Lagu pertama dari album ke 5 yang langsung saya suka dan saya bilang bagus waktu pertama kali dengar. Musiknya asyik, ngingetin saya sama steven & coconut treez.

Bagus dan easy listening banget. Storm Kyaa Ballad lagi. Storm itu lagu yang intinya minta supaya orang yang dia cintai nggak ninggalin dia. Meski.

memories lagu ballad yang Ok, tapi lagu Storm yang sukses buat saya berkaca- kaca. Suara K.R.Y mendominasi di lagu Storm ini. Good Friends Katanya sih terinspirasi dari masa lalu super junior. Lagunya enak. Musiknya enak. Kebanyakan terompetnya.

Suara Kyuhyun. Feels Good Agak aneh dengernya. Kurang bagus menurutku. Hahaha #Masalah selera ya buk. Memories Oke, Ballad K.R.Y lagi. Musik nya lembut dan easy listening.

Perpaduan suara yang keren. Antara K.R.Y,Sungmin dan Donghae. Awal denger memang aneh.

Tapi ke dua, ke tiga, ini lagu jadi menyentuh hati. Maknanya dalam dan perpaduan suara member super junior bagus bangettt. Di musiknya terdengar sentuhan gitar. Suara Yesung demi apapun di lagu ini bagus.

Lagu ini ballad yang OK. Sunflower Waaa, lagu ini enak didengar. Easy listening dan seperti membuat hati berbunga-bunga. White Christmas Aneh lihat judulnya. Musim panas gini dan natal masih lama tapi ada judul white christmast.

Ternyata mereka berharap ada white christmas di musim panas ini. Y Sebuah lagu yang di komposeri sama Donghae.

Menceritakan tentang jiwa yang down karena gagal. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart Salah satu jenis musik yang saya suka. Jadi lagu ini bagus Hahaha. Iya, ballad K.R.Y lagi. 태완미 (太完美: Perfection) (Bonus Track. Album ke 6 Super Junior ‘Sexy Free & Single’: 1) Sexy, Free & Single 2) Gulliver 3) Gulliver’s Travels 4) Someday 5) Now 6) Rockstar 7) Bittersweet 8) Papillon 9) Lingering 10) Breakup Day 11) From U lagu dari super junior M: 14. Superman Emm, ya pokoknya gitu.

Lagu ini menggambarkan siapa Super Junior. Ft F(X) Ngerap gitu. Adante Adante adalah lagu yang dikomposeri sama Leeteuk dan Henry. Omong- omong, kalau lagu yang dibuat Henry kok keren-keren yaa?? Suka banget sama lagu ini. Gitar akustiknya keren banget diawal lagu. Apalagi suara Donghae sebagai pembukaan.

A day Lagunya terdengar tenang. Nggak tahu arti lagu A day ini apa.Ada suara anak- anak bersorak.

Daftar Lagu Super Junior KRY: 1. Coagulation 4.

In My Dream ( ft Sungmin+Donghae). 5. The Night Chicago Died 7. The One I Love The One I Love dari Super Junior KRY adalah lagu yang sangat-sangat keren.

Entah kenapa saya suka sekali dengan lagu ini. Enak di dengar, lembut, dan mellow. Perpaduan suara Suju K.R.Y yang daebak!

Suara Yesung buat meleleh. Stop Walking By 9. Dreaming Hero 11. Fly Fly merupakan theme song super star 2 yang keren banget.

Suju K.R.Y nggak cuma bisa bawain lagu mellow dan Ballad. Tapi lagu ceria dan semangat pun bisa. Keren banget malah. Memories (ft Sungmin, Donghae, Shindong) 13.

My Love, My Kiss, My Heart 14. Reminiscence Daftar lagu super junior T: 1. FIRST EXPRESS 3.

DON’T GO AWAY 4. (ROKUKO) Instrumental 5. 첫차 (featuring 방실이) (FIRST EXPRESS) Instrumental 6. 나 같은건 없는건가요 (DON’T GO AWAY) Instrumental Daftar lagu super junior Happy:. 1. Cooking Cooking 2. Pajama Party 3.

Daftar lagu Super Junior M Album ME Super Junior M 1. Charm (Me) 2. At Least There’s Still You 4. You Are My Miracle 5. Love You Love You 6.

I Hug Myself (In my Arms) 7. My Half (Full of Happiness 10.

Thirst (A Man In Love 11. This Second (The Moment) 12. The One Album Super Girl Super Junior M: 1. Super Girl 2. Blue Tomorrow 3.

Confession 4. You & Me Album Perfection Super Junior M: 1. Perfection 2. Love is Sweet Lagunya bagus banget lho. Yang menciptakannya Jay Chou. Agak susah lyricnya. Coba dengerin lagu ini yaa.

Off My Mind. 5. My All is In You 7. S.O.L.O ost Skip Beat Daftar Lagu Super Junior Individual dan Featuring Daftar Lagu yang pernah dinyanyikan Yesung Super Junior. Nggak tahu deh ini lengkap apa enggak.Yang aku tahu sih ini. Yang pernah dinyanyiin baik single, soundtrack, radio perform, maupun show nya Yesung. It Has To Be You 2.

Waiting For You 3. The First Poem 4. I Am Behind You 5. Love Really Hurts 6. Now We Got to Meet (ft Sungmin) 7. Your Eyes (ft Kyuhyun) 8.

A Person Of Destiny 9. And I Love You (ft Luna ) 10.

My Love By My Side 11. Are You Ready 13.

Saranghargge 16. PainFully Loving You 18.

For One day 19. Free To Fly 20. Gathering My Tears 22. Looking At The Picture 23.

Things I Can’t Do For You 25. The More I Love 26. Even Loved The Pain 28. I Only Know Love 29.

I’ll Love You 30. One Day. 31. Loving You 32.

I Love You 34. Even Thought It Hurts 35. Resignation 36. Saranghagi Ddaemooneh ( Ft.

Sungmin and Ryeowook) 38. Wind flower 39. Don’t say goodbye 40. The Trap of North Gate Daftar Lagu yang dinyanyikan Kyuhyun Super Junior: 1.

Hope is a Dream that doesn’t Sleep 2. Listen to You 3. If It Was Me 6. Puff the Magic Dragon 8. A Whole New World 9.

7 Years of Love 10. Just for One Day 11. Happy Bubble (ft. Way to Break Up (Ost Poseidon) Daftar Lagu yang dinyanyikan Ryeowook Super Junior: 1. Smile Again 2.

Coagulation 3. Just like now (ft Donghae) 4. Falling in Love With a Friend (ft.

Insomnia (ft. Kyuhyun) ada yang bilang ft junsu & changmin 7. A shell Necklace (ft Yesung) 8.

If You Love me More. Lagu yang dinyanyikan member super junior individu lainnya: 1.

Heechul & Ki Bum (Can It Be Love) 2. Heechul (Don’t Walk Away) 3. Heechul ft M&D (Close Your Mouth) 4. Heechul (First Star) 5. Leeteuk ft Joo (Ice Cream) 6.

Leeteuk ft Krystal (Grumbling) 7. Leeteuk & Shindong (Please) 8. Shindong (Eve Warning) 9. Donghae (Spokes Man) 10.

Donghae (My Everything) 11. Donghae ( beautifull) 12. Donghae & Kyuhyun (Happy Bubble) 13.

Donghae, Kyuhyun, Jessica, Taeyon (Way back into Love) 14. Donghae & Eunhyuk (Oppa Oppa) 15. Sungmin (I Akilla You) 16. Sunny (Falling Slowly) 17. Sungmin & Yesung (Now We got to Meet) 18. Siwon (Motnajyo) 19. Ki Bum (Suddenly) 20.

Eunhyuk & Donghae ( I Wanna Love You -dinyanyiin saat Super Show 3-) 21. Eunhyu & FIX (Please Don’t Say) Daftar Lagu lain Super Junior dalam Album Kompilas i: 1. Dancing Out 3. Snow Dream 5. Full of Happiness 7. Under the Sea 8.

First Snow 10. Success. 12.

Let’ Go on a Trip 14. Santa You are the One / santa You’re the One (Kompilasi SM Winter 2011) 15. Dear my Family (ost.

I AM – Ada Yesung ) Lagu lain Super Junior yang wajib di dengerin: 1. SEOUL (ft SNSD) 2. Angel (Ost Haru) 3.

Wonder Boy 5. Victory Korea 6. U (korean Vers.) 7.

Highway Romance 8. Bitting My Lips ( Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook Album Pertama Super Junior (twins) 1.

Twins Knock Out 3. You’re the one 4. Rock This House 5.

Super Junior Kry Fly Download For Mac Torrent

Chagunchagun (Way for Love) 6. Keep In Touch 9. Believe Album kedua Super Junior (Don’t Don) 1. Sapphire Blue 3.

You’re My Endless Love (말하자면) 4. A Man in Love 6. Disco Drive 7. Hate U Love U 8. She’s Gone 10. The Girl is Mine 11. Missin’ U 14.

Midnight Fantasy Musiknya kayak backsound game.hehe 15. Thank You 16. A Man In Love (Remix Vers.) 17.

Song For You (Bonus Track) Album Ketiga Super Junior (Sorry-Sorry) 1. SORRY, SORRY 2. Why I like you 3. Let’ Not (Suju KRY) 4. WHAT IF (Suju KRY ft Sungmin) 8. Heartquake. 9.

CLUB No.1 10. HAPPY TOGETHER 11. Dead at heart 12. SHINING STAR 13. She Want it 14.

Love Disease 15. Love U More 16. It’s You Album keempat Super Junior (BONAMANA) 1. Coagulation (Suju KRY) 4. Your Eyes (Yesung ft. My Only Girl 6. My All Is In You 7.

Shake it Up 8. In My Dream (Suju KRY ft Sungmin+Donghae) 9. One Fine Spring Day (Ryeowook) 10. Good Person 11.

Here We Go 12. All My Heart / All My Dream Album kelima Super Junior (MR.SIMPLE) 1. Opera (오페라) 3. Be My Girl (라라라라) 4. Storm (폭풍) 6. Good Friends (어느새 우린) 7. Feels Good 8.

Memories (기억을 따라) 9. Sunflower (해바라기). 10. White Christmas (엉뚱한 상상) 11. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart 13.

Perfection repacked album kelima (A-cha) 1 Superman 2 A-Cha 3 Mr. Simple 4 Oops!!

F(X) 5 하루에 (A Day) 6 안단테 (Andante) 7 오페라 (Opera) 8 라라라라 (Be My Girl) 9 Walkin’ 10 폭풍 (Storm) 11 어느새 우린 12 결투 (Feels Good) 13 기억을 따라 (Memories) 14 해바라기 (Sunflower) 15 엉뚱한 상상 (White Christmas) 16 Y 17 My Love, My Kiss, My Heart Album ke enam Super Junior (Sexy, Free And Single) 1. Sexy, Free & Single 2. Bittersweet 8. Butterfly. 9. Day Dream 10.

A ‘Good’ bye “Spy” 6 th album repackaged: 01 sexy, free & single 02 From U 03 outsider 04 Only U 05 Haru 06 NOW 07 RockStar 08 Guliver 09 Someday 10 Bittersweet 11 butterfly 12 day dream 13 A good Bye Daftar Lagu Sub Unit Super Junior Super Junior KRY 1. Coagulation 4. In My Dream ( ft Sungmin+Donghae) 5.

Super Junior Kry Fly Download For Mac Free

The Night Chicago Died 7. The One I Love 8. Stop Walking By 9. Dreaming Hero 11.

Memories (ft Sungmin, Donghae, Shindong) 13. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart.

14. Reminiscence 15. Promise you Super Junior T 1. FIRST EXPRESS 3. DON’T GO AWAY 4. (ROKUKO) Instrumental 5.

첫차 (featuring 방실이) (FIRST EXPRESS)Instrumental 6. 나 같은건 없는건가요 (DON’T GO AWAY)Instrumental Super Junior Happy 1. Cooking Cooking 2. Pajama Party 3.

Super Junior M Album ME Super Junior M 1. Charm (Me) 2. At Least There’s Still You 4. You Are My Miracle 5. Love You Love You 6.

I Hug Myself (In my Arms) 7. My Half (Full of Happiness 10. Thirst (A Man In Love 11. This Second (The Moment) 12. The One.

Album Super Girl Super Junior M 1. Super Girl 2. Blue Tomorrow 3. Confession 4.

Super Junior Kry Fly Download For Mac Download

You & Me Album Perfection Super Junior M 1. Perfection 2. Love is Sweet 4. Off My Mind 5. My All is In You Album Suju M `Break Down` 1. Break Down 2.

Hug From A Distance 5. Perfect Goodbye 6.

I’ll Back You Up 9. S.O.L.O ost Skip Beat (Donghae & Henry) Daftar Lagu Super Junior Individual dan Featuring Lagu yang dinyanyikan Yesung Super Junior 1. It Has To Be You 2.

Waiting For You 3. The First Poem 4. I Am Behind You 5. Love Really Hurts.

6. Now We Got to Meet (ft Sungmin) 7. Your Eyes (ft Kyuhyun) 8. A Person Of Destiny 9. And I Love You (ft Luna ) 10. My Love By My Side 11.

Are You Ready 13. Saranghargge 16. PainFully Loving You 18. For One day 19.

Free To Fly 20. Gathering My Tears 22. Looking At The Picture 23.

Things I Can’t Do For You 25. The More I Love 26.

Even Loved The Pain 28. I Only Know Love 29. I’ll Love You 30. One DayLoving You 31. I Love You 33. Even Thought It Hurts 34. Resignation 35.

Saranghagi Ddaemooneh ( Ft. Sungmin and Ryeowook) 37. Wind flower 38. Don’t say goodbye 39. The Trap of North Gate. Lagu yang dinyanyikan Kyuhyun Super Junior: 1.

Hope is a Dream that doesn’t Sleep 2. Listen to You 3. If It Was Me 6. Puff the Magic Dragon 8. A Whole New World 9.

7 Years of Love 10. Just for One Day 11. Happy Bubble (ft. Way to Break Up (Ost Poseidon) Lagu yang dinyanyikan Ryeowook Super Junior: 1.

Smile Again 2. Coagulation 3. Just like now (ft Donghae) 4. Falling in Love With a Friend (ft. Insomnia (ft. A shell Necklace (ft Yesung) 8.

If You Love More Lagu yang dinyanyikan member super junior individu lainnya: 1. Heechul & Ki Bum (Can It Be Love) 2. Heechul (Don’t Walk Away) 3. Heechul ft M&D (Close Your Mouth) 4. Heechul (First Star) 5. Leeteuk ft Joo (Ice Cream) 6. Leeteuk ft Krystal (Grumbling) 7.

Leeteuk & Shindong (Please) 8. Shindong (Eve Warning) 9. Donghae (Spokes Man) 10. Donghae (My Everything) 11. Donghae ( beautifull). 12.

Donghae & Kyuhyun (Happy Bubble) 13. Donghae, Kyuhyun, Jessica, Taeyon (Way back into Love) 14. Donghae & Eunhyuk (Oppa Oppa) 15. Sungmin (I Akilla You) 16. Sunny (Falling Slowly) 17. Siwon (Motnajyo) 18. Ki Bum (Suddenly) 19.

Super junior kry fly download for mac free

Eunhyuk & Donghae ( I Wanna Love You -dinyanyiin saat Super Show 3-) 20. Eunhyuk & FIX (Please Don’t Say) Lagu lain Super Junior dalam Album Kompilasi: 1. Snow Dream 4. Dancing Out 5. Full of Happiness 7.

Under the Sea 8. First Snow 10.

Let’ Go on a Trip 14. Santa You are the One / santa You’re the One (Kompilasi SM Winter 2011) Lagu lain Super Junior: 1. SEOUL (ft SNSD) 2. Angel (Ost Haru) 3. Wonder Boy.

5. Victory Korea 6. U (korean Vers.) 7. Highway Romance Eun Hyuk @AllRiseSilver 3 mnt 잘생긴 태우랑 치맥 Diterjemahkan dari Korea oleh Bing Tampan Tae-woo lang-Mac http://instagram.com/p/qgoueCbzt/.