Xibo is an open source digital signage software comprised of a CMS and a player/client. Xibo CMS has always worked on both Windows and Linux, but in recent years, Xibo Client only worked on Windows, Android, and WebOS with the latter two being paid apps.Many years ago there was a Python-based Xibo player working in Linux but it was abandoned. However, recently the company restarted the development of a Linux player, and I even tried, but at the time the player was at the alpha stage and not very stable at least with the layout I experimented with. Xibo Player in Ubuntu 18.04 – Click to EnlargeAround two months have passed, and the developers must have worked out the quirks, as Xibo Player for Linux has now been released, and just like the Windows player it’s entirely free to use, and (C code) under the AGPLv3 license.It requires a Linux distribution with support for Snapcraft distribution system such as Ubuntu, and installation of the client is very easy.
Sudo snap install xibo - playerYou’ll also need to install the Xibo CMS in a Linux or Windows machine. You can follow the instructions to get started with the CMS and client in my review of MINIX NEO Z83-4U linked above. I also published a a few years ago, and while the user interface has changed since 2010, the workflow is still about the same.Note that Xibo Player for Linux is optimized for x86 processors like the ones from Intel and AMD. You could probably cross-compile the player for Arm, but it would likely only be suitable for text and photos, and not videos since there’s no glue for the hardware video decoder, and software video decoding would have to be used. Xibo developers do not think the Raspberry Pi 3 board is suitable as a Xibo player, so if you try this on an Arm board you may want an SBC with 2GB of RAM or more.
The best option to run Xibo on Android media players is likely to go with the Android player that costs 15 GBP, or around $19.Visit for more details.
Contents.Digital Signage platforms. Cloud Digital Signage designed for Raspberry Pi(Pi ZeroW, Pi 1,2,3). Easy installation, simple tv screen management. Supports images, videos, RTSP video streaming, HTML5, rotated monitors, scrolling text, Youtube content, videowalls, RSS feeds and much more working progress. Digital Signage cloud platform, powering tens of thousands of Raspberry Pi's. Supports images, HD videos/streams, YouTube, HTML5 (+ scripting for login forms), PDF/PPT/XLS/DOC, widgets, RSS tickers, rotated monitors and video-walls, unlimited storage/bandwidth.
Unlimited users, with fine-grained security control and SAML. Free for 1 monitor, free RPi's for all monitors with the annual plan. Linutop OS is now available for Raspberry. Powerful, yet lightweight, Linutop Kiosk software allows to easily setup a digital signage solution.
This new version includes a network remote control for smartphones, tablets or PC to interact live with your digital signage player. A digital signage solution for displaying web resources in a secure fullscreen view. Raspberry Slideshow is focused on quick-to-set-up image and video slideshows for the Raspberry Pi. The most popular digital solution designed for the Raspberry Pi. Powers over 10,000 screens around the world. Available both as an Open Source and as a commercial version. Digital signage for all.
Digital Signage Player Open Source Download
Open source. Chrome app.
Digital signage solution based on raspberry pi and nodejs. Digital signage for all. open source. RasPi discussion.
A digital solution designed for the Raspberry Pi capable of displaying Images, HD Videos, RSS feeds and text presentations. The Enterprise Digital Signage Platform. Everything you need to create amazing digital signage for FREE. Both standalone player software and hosted service available. Fully programmable in Lua, so you're not limited to prepared templates. Player for monitor systems.
Can play standalone or in master-client configuration. Pictures, movies, text. Including a webinterface so anyone can understand.Raspberry Pi projects. (control TV with RPI)Talk about Raspberry Pi as a digital signage driver.Specific issues Screen blanking.Rotate Screen. General Linux reference -. Nvidia specific -. RasPi specific -.
Xibo Centos
Supports rotated monitors by rotating X and rotated GPU-based video playback.In general it seems this issue has not been resolved.Maybe will help?